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Australian White Sheep Stud


Our aim at Leebrooke is to produce quality Australian White flock rams at an affordable price. We have been meticulous in the process of selecting and building our ewe base with a rigid culling program in place for the ram lambs. We have strived to create stability within our flock, by focusing on data collection and using the breed standards to achieve a premium product that is high performing in both fertility and the ability to breed heavy lambs that can be turned off quickly. 


We are a registered Australian White Stud and all flock rams come from registered pure Australian White stock. 

  • AWSBA Flock Members #138

  • Brucellosis Accredited Stud #1856


In our commercial enterprise we track and collect data on our ewe base and wether lambs to give us a measure on how our stock is performing. This helps us ensure that our rams will perform in a commercial capacity, with the ability to breed an even line of heavy lambs that yield high and have consistent carcasses over the hook. Leebrooke branded lamb is featured on the menu at Maffco Brewery & Taphouse. It’s the perfect opportunity to supply lamb locally but also measure our business model and client expectations. With Australian Whites surging in popularity, our goal remains focused on our clients and the commercial fat lamb market. 

3rd Annual Production Sale
Friday October 4th

On property and Online with Stocklive Elite Auctions
View our 2024 Sale Catalogue here.

More information about our upcoming 3rd Annual Leebrooke Livestock Production Sale coming soon. On offer will be Blue Tag Flock rams, stud ewes and small lots of commerical ewes. Click the button below to join our mailing list. 


Low Maintenance

Australian Whites are a docile, haired breed with good shedding ability, eliminating the need for shearing & crutching.  They are easy on infrastructure and fences and are an easy-care option making them ideal to run alongside other farming operations such as cropping or cattle. 


High Reproductive Capabilites

Australian Whites are a perfect choice if you want a self-replacing flock. They have an open breeding season, combined with;

  • early maturity

  • proven rapid growth rates across the full spectrum of Australia’s harshest climatic conditions

  • high reproductive rates

This means your flock will expand rapidly. 

With good management, ewes can be successfully joined at 6 months of age (+50kgs). At Leebrooke, our ewe base averages 3 lambs by the time they have turned 2. 

Why Australian Whites?


Fast Growing & High Yielding 

One of the major advantages of Australian Whites is that they produce large, heavy weight lambs. With the ability to breed an even line of heavy lambs that yield high (on average 50-55%) and have consistent carcasses over the hook.


Quiet Temperament

The Australian White breed has a docile temperament making it easy for anyone to handle. They’re not flighty in stock yards and they’re easy on infrastructure & fences. This plays a part in their fantastic mothering ability and exceptional fertility and weaning %.


Strong Maternal Instincts

Australian White ewes have a strong maternal instinct with high milking capabilities. They regularly produce multiples, lambing with ease and delivering robust  lambs that withstand any weather conditions. The ewes are very protective of their lambs from birth and reach weaning with high percentages.

Keeping track of data that includes birthweight, mothering ability and multiples is what assists us to select our stand out future breeders. It ensures we get the maximum number of lambs to weaning and having a strong maternal ewe base should never be underestimated.


Meat Eating Quality

Australian whites are often referred to as the wagyu of lamb. They have a superior meat eating quality has low intramuscular fat melting points and is high in omega 3. This provides a soft texture  that gives it flavour and a melt in your mouth experience. 

We are flock number #138 of the Australian White Sheep Breeders Association. Click through to their website for more information about the breed and breed standards.

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